Removing Ice From Your Windshield Safely

While removing ice from your windshield during the cold winter months might seem easy, you still have to take into account safety measures during winter. Ice puts a great deal of stress on your windshield, and removing the ice improperly could be disastrous for your windshield. Wizard Auto Glass is here to give you the safest ways to remove ice off your windshield this coming Winter.

Timing Is Everything

Time is what matters the most when removing ice and snow off of your windshield. A rushed job will add risks of breakage onto your windshield.

Because of this, you need to factor in some extra ice-removing time into your daily schedule. Wake up a bit earlier in the morning for work to prepare yourself for the ice removing.

Prevention Is The Best Medicine

The best defense against ice on your windshield is prevention. Try to stay up to date with weather reports. If you see weather conditions that could result in ice on your windshield, try to take certain preemptive measures. Park your car in a garage or another covered area if the temperature is planning to drop. You can also use window covers or a tarp on your windshield. If money is tight, you can get creative and use paper bags or cardboard to cover your windshield in freezing temperatures.

While no solution is 100% fool proof, using these preemptive measures will greatly help you reduce the amount of ice or snow on your auto glass.

How To Remove Ice and Snow Off Your Windshield

Take a look around your car to assess the damage. Check to see if there is any ice or snow blocking your tailpipe/ A blocked tailpipe could be very dangerous, as it builds up carbon monoxide inside your car.

If there is ice on your windshield, do not simply blast it with warmth. This change in temperature could put your auto glass under too much stress and cause damage. Instead, set your car’s heating to low and let it slowly warm up.

Plastic ice scrapers and soft brushes are your best bet for removing ice, as they are the least likely to cause damage to your windshield. If you slowly let your car warm up with time and patience, then removing the ice should be easy. A simple left to right sweeping motion should do the trick.

For any and all auto glass services in Toronto, call Wizard Auto Glass today at (416) 258-0110!



