There’s nothing more annoying than having to postpone plans because of a broken car window. With the hustle and bustle of Summer, it’s often easy to overlook those tiny cracks and chips on your car’s windows. But it’s important to examine your auto glass every once in awhile to make sure that your auto glass is damage free. If a crack or chip is already there, it is likely that it will get bigger over time.
Maintaining a clean auto glass can make it easier to spot any minor damages before it has the chance to worsen. Remember, an auto glass repair is way less expensive than an auto glass replacement. If you do find yourself in need of an auto glass repair in Mississauga, give Wizard Auto Glass a call. We guarantee you quality repairs, fast service and the lowest price in Mississauga. Keep reading for advice on picking out the right cleaner, and the easiest way to clean your auto glass.
Picking Out Your Tools
Keeping your windshield, as well as the other glass on your car, clean is one of the easiest ways to spot damage. Sometimes small cracks and chips are hidden behind dirt and can only be seen once the windshield has been cleaned. Plus, if you do have a crack or chip on your windshield, keeping it clean will help keep damage to a minimum until you can take it to a repair shop to be fixed. Try and remember to clean your auto glass often, especially in the summer when there is more dirt, dust, bugs, and other nasty little things flying around to make messes on your windshield.
The general opinion when it comes to picking out a glass cleaner for your windshield and other auto glass is to stay away from ammonia-based products. This is for two reasons; first, ammonia produces toxic fumes, and your car is a small enclosed space making it easy to breathe in those fumes. The second reason is because ammonia can easily damage the surfaces of your car, especially if they have vinyl, leather or rubber materials on them; ammonia is also known for damaging the film on tinted windows. When you’re picking out a cleaner, look for ones that clearly say they are ammonia-free and safe to use on window tint-film.
You should also steer clear from cloths that have microfiber glass in them as they often leave residue behind. Again, this is usually stated on the packaging. Once you have your cleaner and your cloth, you can start cleaning your auto glass. To avoid it streaking, it is best to have it done in the shade.
How To Clean Your Auto Glass
Cleaning your auto glass is fairly simple. Spray or dip your cloth with glass cleaner, and proceed to gently rub the glass to remove any streaks or dirt. Start by doing the exterior of the side windows, and then rolling them down to get the edges cleaned as well. Then move on to the rear window, and lastly the windshield. Be mindful of the windshield wipers, making sure that you carefully lift them to get to the glass underneath. You can also use another cloth dampened with soapy water to clean off the wipers.
When you’re done cleaning the exterior, you can proceed to the inside the car to get the interior of the glass as well; be careful not to drip the glass cleaner inside your car. Once you’re done, your auto glass is clean, making it easier to point out damages. Be sure to check each window for damage as you go.