Having a sunroof is a fun feature that people enjoy having in their vehicle. There’s nothing like putting it down on a hot summer’s day and going for a drive. Just like any other part of your vehicle, you need to make sure that you are getting your sunroof regularly maintained to not only make sure it is in tip top condition, but to keep it lasting longer as well. If you notice any type of damages on your sunroof, or if the glass needs to be replaced before summer hits, Wizard Auto Glass can help repair your sunroof so that you can enjoy it for years to come.
Leaky Sunroof
One of the most common problems people have with their sunroofs is leaks. This can be either small drips or a lot of gushing water. Both can be annoying while driving, and also create a mess on the interior of your vehicle, especially if you have a newer car with a lot of electronics built in. It can also lead to mold growing inside your vehicle if the water is left there. Leaks occur if the glass the sunroof is made out of is poor quality, or the sunroof was not properly installed.
Stuck Sunroof
The second most common problem with sunroofs is when they become stuck, meaning they won’t open or shut. Again, this occurs if the sunroof was not properly installed, but there might be a problem with the gears, or the glass itself is damaged. If this happens the best thing to do is to take it to a auto service to be fixed.
Cracks and Chips
Just like your windshield or the side windows of your vehicle, your sunroof is made of glass and can easily be damaged if you do not get it regularly maintained. When you drive under bridges or through tunnels small stones can fall on your sunroof and cause damage without you even noticing. If you do not get the cracks in your sunroof fixed it can shatter on you, which will not be a fun experience.
Do you need to get your sunroof ready for summer? Call Wizard Auto Glass today at (877) 564-5331