How To Lower The Cost of Windshield Repair

A windshield repair is typically an easy, quick process, but some vehicle owners are worried about the cost of the service. If you notice a small crack or chip on your windshield, how can you ensure that you are receiving the best possible price to have it repaired? Read the following blog below by the experts at Wizard Auto Glass today to find the best money saving tips in the industry! Don’t overpay, read below!

Do Not Delay Your Repair

A minor chip or crack can quickly turn into a major issue, if left untreated. Typically, chips are cracks are quite affordable in terms of repairs. However, these minor issues can spread quickly. Going over a speed bump can spread a crack, for example. Even being in colder climates can cause your small chip to spread throughout your windshield! To ensure that your windshield repair costs remain low, act quickly and find the nearest auto glass expert near you.

Check Your Insurance

Some insurance companies will cover windshield repair costs under their comprehensive coverage. For many insurance companies, using your insurance to cover this cost should not affect your good standing with your insurance company. However, all companies are different, and you will need to double check the specifics of your insurance to make sure. Check the deductible on your coverage; if the cost of the service is lower than your specific deductible amount, then pay for it out of pocket.

Get Free Quotes

Some companies will offer you free quotes on windshield repairs. This is a great way to shop around and find a company that will work within your budget. If you find a company that does not offer free quotes, it’s best to look else where. More often than not, these companies will overcharge for auto glass services.

If you’re looking for affordable auto glass services, then we have you covered. Contact Wizard Auto Glass today at 416-258-0110 for more information!



