How To: Replace A Broken Windshield

If you have a cracked windshield and you realize it is causing other difficulties to your car or safety hazards it is about time to have it replaced altogether!

The windshield is a vital safety feature of your car that adds strength during an accident and keeps passengers safe as opposed to being ejected from the car. When faced with replacing a windshield, most car owners look for the most cost-effective option.

It is important that if you do have a broken windshield that the glass is replaced properly to avoid allowing the roof to cave in and other safety hazards to the driver and passengers in your car.

Here are some steps to try on your own:

  • Step 1: Purchase a replacement windshield for your vehicle
  • Step 2: Remove the plastic surrounding the side and top mouldings correctly
  • Step 3: Cut the urethane from between the glass and the pinchweld, using a COLD knife
  • Step 4: Clean away visible dirt with a brush and water
  • Step 5: Prepare the glass with primer
  • Step 6: Place your new windshield in carefully aligning the bottom, top and sides

If these steps don’t help you can contact Wizard Auto-Glass today for the most cost-effective and speedy recovery to your cracked or broken windshield.

Typically, the back windshield and the front windshield are replaced more often than other windows on the car.

Windshield glass is much different from regular glass and is specifically designed for automobiles.

Windshield glass is manufactured with the goal to support the structure of a vehicle using different types of safety glass. The two forms of glass that windshields are made of are usually laminated glass, and tempered glass to ensure safety.

Like most things the decision to replace your windshield may come down to money. Insurance companies may only cover aftermarket glass for your car, because it is less expensive. The most important thing to remember though, is that it is extremely important to replace the broken windshield properly to ensure these damages will not re-occur.

If you are suffering from a crack, or split in your windshield it is important that it is tended to right away! If you are having trouble replacing your windshield be sure to contact Wizard Auto-Glass for the most convenient, cost-effective replacement around!



