Repairing Windshield Chips & Cracks with Auto Glass Wizard

It’s always the best decision to repair a tiny crack or chip on your windshield before it has the chance to grow into a larger crack or chip that could eventually require a complete auto glass replacement.  Especially during this time of the year, when the temperature is fluctuating between warm, cold and Winter is on its way. These fluctuating temperatures contract and expand your windshield, so that tiny chip could become a giant crack overnight.

Take a second and imagine yourself driving down the  highway and a tiny rock strikes your car windshield. It’s a little annoying if it left a mark, but it’s not affecting your field of vision, so no need to worry right? Wrong. Left untreated, what may have been a minor repair costing possibly less than $50 could become major damage which would require a full on windshield replacement costing you a couple hundred extra. Save money by being diligent about windshield damages!

Keep reading to learn more about our process.

What size of a chip or crack in a windshield is too big to repair?

Windshield repair technology is rapidly advancing, and the ability to repair larger sized chips or  longer cracks changes often and can vary depending on depth and placement of the cip or crack on your windshield. Generally speaking, any chips that are smaller than a quarter, and cracks up to five inches long can be completely repaired.

If the damage is deeper than the first layer of glass on the windshield and reaches the inner layer of glass it may be too deep to complete the windshield repair, and may require a replacement.

However, if any of the following scenarios apply, you are looking at a replacement rather than a repair.

  • the chip or crack on your windshield is directly in your line of sight;
  • there are more than three cracks or chips on the glass;
  • the damage is at the edge of the windshield or;
  • the windshield is old and covered with tiny dings

How do we fix windshields?

The first step is to clean up the  cracked or chipped area, and clear any loose glass out of the way. Then, one of our professional auto glass technicians will drill a hole into the glass to assure that there is flow  of resin between the two layers of glass that makes up the most important components of the windshield.

Next, they will insert an injector tool directly to the glass and resin will be added to seal the crack/chip to ensure that any particles can’t get in between the layers of glass. After being inserted, resin is cured and polished to provide a better clarity and strength to the fixed glass.

How long does the windshield repair process take?

Based on our professional experience it should usually take less than an hour and it can be as quick as 30 minutes.

Don’t hesitate and get your auto glass repaired same day with Wizard Auto Glass in Mississauga. Call (905) 564-5330 to get back on the roads quickly and safely – today!



