Autumn Vehicle Prep For Winter with Wizard Auto Glass in Mississauga

Fall is almost here, and it’s the perfect time to get your vehicle ready for winter. Fall can be a busy season, with lot’s of preparation for those cold winter months when we hibernate indoors.

Your windshield is a crucial safety feature in your vehicle, and many people overlook the slightest chip or a small scratch when prepping for the upcoming Winter season. Our team of certified technicians will have your windshield looking brand new well before the snow starts falling.

If you need your vehicle’s auto glass repaired or replaced in Mississauga, visit Wizard Auto Glass and get a price estimate! Keep reading to see how you should prep for Winter.

Windshield Repair or Replacement

It is vital that you have your windshield looked at by a professional as soon as you notice a chip, scratch or dent in it. The weather has a huge impact on your auto glass, and if you have even the tiniest chip, that is repairable, it can spread into a giant crack overnight, requiring a complete replacement.

Auto glass example:

if it  is raining during the day, and then the weather cools down at night to the freezing points, the moisture that remains on existing damages to your auto glass, will freeze and expand.

That is just one example of how a chip can turn into a crack overnight. Be proactive and get any damage repaired as soon as you notice it. The price of your auto glass will be less expensive as well.

Under The Hood Check Ups

One of the first things you should be doing when getting your vehicle ready for the winter is routine check-ups and maintenance. This can include making sure that you’re making sure that all of your heating and defrosting functions are working, and making sure your antifreeze system works. You don’t want to wait until that first snowstorm to find out your car is freezing, and you can’t remove that snow and slush from your windshield.

Battery Test:

The last thing anyone needs in the Winter is for their battery to die while driving. Have your battery tested, especially if it is a few years old, or you bought a used car and have no clue when it was last replaced.


Windshield wiper fluid is an easy fluid to check for, just open up the lid. Always keep a spare bottle in your trunk all year long and especially in the winter. Purchase a dedicated Winter blend that will not freeze once temperatures start to hit the negatives.

Engine oil takes a beating during winter due to fuel contamination from cold starts and water contamination from engine block condensation. Start off the season right and get an oil change along with a filter change

Don’t forget to check brake, transmission and power steering fluid by opening the corresponding caps and checking the levels.

Check your antifreeze levels to prevent internal damage to your car, and keep your gas tank at least halfway full to help prevent a gas line freeze.

Emergency Winter Driving Kit

You should also take this time to make sure that your emergency kit is ready to go. Your emergency kit should include:

  • Warm winter gloves, toque and boots, blanket or extra clothing, water bottles, and snacks.
  • Bag of sand or cat litter for tire traction and melting snow, a small shovel, ice scraper/ snow brush.
  • Extra windshield washer fluid and battery jumper cables
  • First aid kit and hard copy local map (not just a GPS )
  • Flashlight and batteries, flares, waterproof matches

Winter Tires

Tires that have little tread left are no match for snowy, slippery roads.You can determine whether your tires can perform in winter by  examining them for thin or uneven tread wear. Uneven tread can reduce the tires traction and can be very dangerous in winter weather.

Winter tires tread pattern are deep and chunky and have the ability to push ice and snow away, for optimal traction. Braking and cornering control is easier with Winter tires as they are made to stay flexible even at -30C!

Remember to check the air pressure before and during winter months to ensure the best traction and mileage.

Wiper Blades

Windshield wipers, no matter how fancy they look or how much you pay for them, will need to be replaced at least one every year or so. Wiper blades can freeze under extreme conditions and we recommend finding wipers that are designed for Winter. These types of wipers are encased in a protective rubber shell allowing the framework of the wiper to remain ice- and snow-free.

Get your vehicle Winter ready. Start with a windshield repair or replacement by calling the wizards at Wizard Auto Glass in Mississauga for a quote!

