Damaged Side Mirrors 101 – What You Need to Know & What You Need to Do

You’re driving home after a long day when you accidentally hit a post. Taking a quick look over, you realize that your side mirror been damaged. Your mind automatically goes into distress mode as you’ve damaged your vehicle, but there is no need to stress! We have some good news: getting your car’s side mirror fixed is often a lot less expensive than you may think, whether it’s just the glass that needs to be replaced or the entire side mirror needs to be repaired we have got you covered.

If you need a side mirror replacement for your vehicle in Brampton, give our team at Wizard Auto Glass a call. Our technicians have many years of experience repairing all types of auto glass, and can get your side mirrors replaced quickly and affordably. If you’ve never had to get your side mirrors replaced, keep reading for some easy tips to make the process easier.

Damage to Just the Glass

First, find a safe place to pull over and assess the damage to your side mirror. Is just the glass broken, or has the side paneling of the mirror completely come off of the car? If it is just the mirror glass that has been damaged, then the immediate course of action is to get get the glass replaced. If the entire side mirror, the glass and the protective covering, are damaged, refer to the next section for what to do.

Certified auto glass repair shops, like Wizard Auto Glass, will have multiple sizes and shapes of mirrors in stock for different vehicle makes and models. The trained technicians at these shops will also be able to determine what size and shape of glass is require for your side mirror, so it is better to go to a certified shop and save yourself the hassle of trying to find a mirror on your own. Unfortunately, because of the type of glass that mirrors are made out of, getting your side mirror repaired isn’t really an option; the glass will have to be replaced. However, thanks to the size of the glass, it is very easy to replace, making the service quite affordable.

Damage to Entire Side Mirror

If the protective covering for your side mirror has also been damaged, as in it’s hanging off the door by a wire or it has completely broken off of the side of your vehicle, it takes a little more work to get it fixed. Not only will the mirror have to be replaced, but the paneling have to be reattached to the vehicle, and the wiring the allows you to adjust the mirrors’ positions will have to repaired.

If the mirror is still attached by wiring, you can use duct tape to secure it into place so it won’t come right off. This is not a way to fix the damage, just a method to prevent further damage, and you will still need to get it replaced right away. If the mirror comes right off, there’s not much you can do. Keep the broken off part somewhere safe, and when you take your car in for the replacement, see if the technician can reattach it to the car.

Book Your Replacement Right Away

Your side mirrors are vital to the safety of you, your passengers, and fellow drivers on the road The side mirrors allow you to see other vehicles around you; if your entire side mirror has been broken or the just the glass has been damaged, visibility is drastically reduced. You are increasing your chance of risk for getting in an accident.

If your entire side mirror or the glass has been damaged, as in both the glass and the protective covering, it is imperative that you schedule a replacement right away. If possible, do not drive your vehicle until the damage has been repaired – if you must drive, take extreme precautions.

At Wizard Auto Glass, has we have a mobile repair and replacement service available. We can come to your home or office, or tow your car to our repair shop in order to complete the repairs on the same day – leaving you stress-free. This service does not cost our clients extra. With a broken side view mirror, you cannot safely drive on the road; this makes mobile services crucial to the well being of you and your vehicle. Don’t leave this repair for another day; you can’t drive your car safely when your mirrors are damaged. Call us today at 1 (877) 564-5331.

Do you need a side mirror glass replacement in Brampton? Don’t wait! Give Wizard Auto Glass a call at 1 (877) 564-5331 today! Take advantage of our mobile service at no extra cost!

