How The Heat Affects Your Windshield

There are many events on the road that can result in needing a windshield replacement, regardless of the season. However, during the summertime, heat plays a major role in damage that can occur to your vehicle’s windshield. The Wizard team explains why heat is such a big factor in windshield replacements during the Summer.

Windshields and Heat

Windshields and heat don’t always work well together. During the summertime, we all crank up the air conditioning to stay cool inside our cars. This causes two different temperature exposures to your windshield. As the cool air from the inside of the car and the heat from the outside meet, it can cause the windshield to crack severely, in which case you would require a windshield replacement.

Heat Can Damage Your Windshield

Most people would think that the most damage the heat can cause to a windshield is at most a crack. However, the heat can actually do much more damage than just a crack. If the heat is too strong, it can even damage the internal safety layer of your windshield which often requires a windshield replacement.

Finding The Right Technician

Turning to an expert for your windshield replacement during the Summer is the better solution. If you go to a technician that is experienced, they know how to test how much heat the windshield has absorbed and whether it is time for a repair or replacement. They will use a digital thermometer to conduct an alternate temperature test to determine whether the windshield needs to be repaired or completely replaced. An expert will know that if the windshield is too hot to touch, then it’s too hot to repair and would not perform the windshield replacement or repair on that day.

If the windshield is good for a repair, they will then proceed to use the floor vents from your car’s air conditioner to cool down the windshield. That way the cold air travels bottom-up rather than blowing directly onto the windshield. When repairing the windshield, an expert technician would ensure that if the resin is 10 degrees lower than the temperature of the windshield they will make adjustments. This is because using cool resin may further damage or even cause a new damage to the windshield.

Has the heat completely damaged your windshield? Call Wizard Auto Glass at
1 (877) 564-5331 where our experienced technicians will assist you on your windshield replacement!




