How to Remove Ice From A Windshield Without Scraping

Many car owners know too well how aggravating it can be to walk outside on a chilly winter morning to find a layer of snow or ice on your car’s windshield. Snow is easy enough to remove, as you just sweep it off with a snow brush, but ice can be tricky, and scraping takes a lot of time. If there is a crack or chip on your windshield, putting pressure on the glass can cause the damage to spread. Luckily, there are a few simple methods you can use to de-ice your windshield without having to scrape it. Keep reading to find out how.

If you have a large crack in your windshield, and water, ice, or snow manages to get into the crack, it can cause the crack to grow, or it can shatter the windshield. To avoid this, it is best to get your windshield replaced. If you aren’t sure where to replace a windshield in Oakville, Wizard Auto Glass has years of experience, and will replace your windshield, quickly, efficiently, and at an affordable rate.

Ways to Remove Ice from A Windshield

Remote Start System

Most cars manufactured in the last couple of years already come with a remote start system. Basically what this does is starts your car by simply hitting a button. Using this feature in the winter will help to warm your car up while you are getting ready to go, and will help to melt the ice off of your windshield for you. Then when you go outside, you can use either your windshield wipers or a snow brush to remove the last bits of snow or ice. If your car doesn’t come equipped with an automatic start system, you can buy one and have it installed, but it can be pricey. You can also run outside to turn your car on yourself and just leave it running for the same effect.


One way to reduce the need for scraping is to prevent the ice or snow from forming on the windshield. This is done by securing a cover over top of the windshield, such as a tarp, a large towel, or a sheet. This way, the snow will fall onto the cover instead of the glass. In the morning, all you need to do is shake off the cover. If some frost has formed underneath, letting your car warm up for a few minutes should be enough to remove it.

Rubbing Alcohol

If you have a thick layer of ice on your windshield, but you don’t want to spend a lot of time scraping, you can thaw it with a simple rubbing alcohol solution. Take a bottle with a spray cap, and fill it with ⅓ rubbing alcohol and ⅔ lukewarm water and few drops of dish soap. Do not use hot water, as this can shatter your windshield due to the extreme contrasting temperatures. Spray the mixture all over the windshield and wipe it away with a squeegee. The rubbing alcohol will help to dissolve the ice quickly. Add more of the mixture as needed.

Did the ice cause the crack in your windshield to grow? Get it replaced in Oakville at Wizard Auto Glass. Book an appointment online or give us a call at (877) 564-5331.

