How to Stop a Windshield Crack from Spreading

You’re driving along when you notice a small crack in your windshield. You might be thinking, “it’s so small, I don’t need to worry about it.” Unfortunately, that’s not the case; a small crack can easily turn into a large one, especially in the winter. The larger the crack gets, the more likely it is that the windshield will shatter. There are some easy ways to stop your windshield crack from spreading. Keep reading to find out how.

If you need a windshield repair in the GTA, give Wizard Auto Glass a call at 1-(877)-564-5331 today, or fill out a quote request form online.

How to Stop a Windshield Crack from Spreading

Use a glass repair kit

These can be found in stores that sell car repair tools and parts. The kits can be used as a temporary option until you have time to get your vehicle to an auto glass repair shop. You should never just assume that because you used the kit you don’t have to take your car in for a professional repair.

Park in the shade

Parking in the shade, or better yet indoors, helps to reduce the effects of the elements on the crack on your windshield. Elements such as rain, snow, wind, and even the sun can cause the crack on your windshield to grow. By parking in the shade you can avoid the sun, though not always other elements, which is why indoors is preferred.

Get it professionally repaired

The best way to stop a windshield crack from getting bigger is to take it for a professional repair. Places like Wizard Auto Glass are able to repair the cracks in the glass, rather than having to replace the entire windshield. This can only be done if the crack is relatively small; if the crack is less than a few inches, then they can easily (and affordably) be repaired, but if they exceed 2 inches, then repair will be out of the question and you’ll need a windshield replacement instead.

You should take your car in for a windshield repair right away. When the damage is already there, it extremely easy for it to grow. Not only will this ensure that you need a replacement, but it also puts you and your passengers at risk. If you get into an accident, or too much pressure is applied to the damaged windshield, it can shatter injuring everyone inside.

Use nail polish

If the cracks in your windshield are small enough, you can use a clear nail polish to try and seal the crack temporarily. Simply apply a few coats of the polish and let dry; it is recommended that you coat both sides of the glass because the crack can spread on the interior of the windshield as well. Remember, this is another temporary fixed; the only real fix for a windshield crack is to get it repaired by a professional technician.

Need to get a windshield repair in the GTA? Book an appointment online or give us a call at (877) 564-5331.

