Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Know Your Windshield: 5 Facts

    Know Your Windshield: 5 Facts

    Auto glass replacement is one of the biggest insurance claims in North America. Almost 40% of auto glass insurance claims are replacements. Cracks and chips account for around 70% of these windshield replacement claims. The edge is the weakest part of the windshield and fractures more easily than the rest of the windshield, which is…

  • Windshield Repair Cost

    Windshield Repair Cost

    Windshield repair cost is generally between $20 – $325. This price range reflects the differences in by vehicle type and whether the repair is for the front or rear windshield. If It is a full replacement, it will cost more than just a repair… much more. If you need a windshield repair in the GTA, give…

  • Repair Or Replace?

    Repair Or Replace?

    Whether your windshield needs to be repaired or replaced depends on the size, location and extent of the damage. The majority of auto glass repair shops can repair chips and cracks up to three inches long. Anything bigger and most places will recommend replacement. The auto glass repair cost, and/or replacement relies on many different…

  • How to Stop a Windshield Crack from Spreading

    How to Stop a Windshield Crack from Spreading

    You’re driving along when you notice a small crack in your windshield. You might be thinking, “it’s so small, I don’t need to worry about it.” Unfortunately, that’s not the case; a small crack can easily turn into a large one, especially in the winter. The larger the crack gets, the more likely it is…

  • Tips To Prevent Windshield Cracks

    Tips To Prevent Windshield Cracks

    While those pesky chips in your windshield might appear to be no more than a minor annoyance, you should never put off getting a windshield chip repaired. Repairing small chips is often simple and affordable, but an unrepaired chip can easily become larger and cause your windshield to crack. If this occurs then the damage…

  • Information and Tips for Filing A Car Insurance Claim

    Information and Tips for Filing A Car Insurance Claim

    Getting into a car accident is not only scary, it can be expensive too, especially if anyone is hurt or your car is damaged. When your car is damaged in an accident, or by a non-accident-related event (i.e. damage from a storm, a rock cracking your windshield) you may be able to get insurance coverage…

  • How to Remove Ice From A Windshield Without Scraping

    How to Remove Ice From A Windshield Without Scraping

    Many car owners know too well how aggravating it can be to walk outside on a chilly winter morning to find a layer of snow or ice on your car’s windshield. Snow is easy enough to remove, as you just sweep it off with a snow brush, but ice can be tricky, and scraping takes…

  • Common Driving Mistakes that Can Damage Your Car in the Winter

    Common Driving Mistakes that Can Damage Your Car in the Winter

    When the seasons change, there are different things we need to do to maintain our cars. In the Winter, failing to take care of your car can lead to damage to certain parts, and in some cases injuries. While Winter has certainly already hit in Canada, it’s never too late to incorporate these driving and…

  • Tips & Tricks For Safe Driving in the Snow

    Tips & Tricks For Safe Driving in the Snow

    Driving in during the Winter can be a daunting task for any driver, but here in Canada where the snow and ice pile up quickly, it can be even more challenging. If you get into a collision, the damage can be costly. Even in instances where no one gets hurt, if parts of your vehicle…

  • Save Money with Windshield Repairs by Wizard Auto Glass

    The holiday season is not only expensive, but it is very hectic as well, and with the road conditions worsening, it is very easy for your windshield to get damaged. When this happens you may not be able to afford to get your windshield fixed at this time. Luckily, Wizard Auto Glass is in Mississauga…

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