Category: Auto Glass Related
Breakthrough Auto Glass Tech
Laminated auto glass is excellent for your car because it comes with a lot of safety features. The glass is made up of several layers. Two or more of the glass layers surround a plastic or resin sheet in the middle, and that helps a lot so if a crack appears, the sheet helps preventing…
Acquisition of IGD industries Auto Glass Replacement and Repair
Berlon US has acquired the assets of IGD Auto Glass Repair and Replacement. The businesses which Berlon US have also acquired as part of the deal include Auto Glass Centre Inc, Auto Glass centre of Kansas Inc, Arnie’s Auto Glass Centre, Glass Installations Inc(DBA Midwest Auto Glass Centre) , JC’s Glass LLC, Globe of Iowa LLC (DBA Nationwide…
How to Ensure You Pay Less for Autoglass Repair or Replacement
To look for a cheap auto glass, you first have to decide if you need to repair your auto glass, or if you have to replace it entirely. You might be thinking of getting a replacement if you have cracks that are making the surface uneven, or maybe cracks in the middle or on the…
The Nascar Windshield
One of the worlds most dangerous sports is believed by many to be Nascar racing. Many racers have died throughout the years due to violent crashes that take place almost every race. In order to keep the drivers of these super fast cars as safe as possible, Nascar manufacturers such as Toyota and Ford are…
Importance of the Windshield
When speaking of vehicle safety, most people think about the cars’ airbags and the structure of the vehicles skeleton – the stronger the structure the safer the car. Most people would not think about the cars windshield when listing the futures of the vehicle that determine the drivers and passengers safety. The windshields’ function in…
New Windshield Technology
In North America a large percentage of the population are Baby Boomers. This demographic has distinct needs due to their age. Since they are older their eyes are not very good, and therefore companies are developing new ways to help them live better lives. General Motors is one of these companies. General Motors is working…
Bulletproof Auto Glass
Currently there is no technology in the market that is 100% bullet proof. The reason for this is because there are many weapons of different bullet power and speed, and therefore some bullets can pierce through the strongest “bullet proof” auto glass while others cannot. Therefore, when talking about bulletproof auto glass we will refer…